It's easy to make a difference for those in need. A monthly commitment can be as simple and small of an amount as $5, or much more if you are able! Every little bit counts when it comes to helping care for our parentless kids. If everyone in our community committed to even $10 per month, it would make a big difference!
We can also receive business donations monthly or one time through this portal. Thank you for your generosity! 
Are you part of a local church and want to be involved with the foster families of Grayson County? You have found the right spot! We know that as a community of churches it is our privilege and responsibility to serve our foster families. We would love for you to be a part of the village! In partnership with local churches we have developed an easy to follow system where churches provide a Parents Night Out or Parents Day out event. These evenings are intended to pour into foster, adoptive, and biological kids in these homes while also giving their parents a much needed break. We would love to help you identify ways that your church can support these kiddos.
Reach out to us directly on how to get your church involved by emailing
We are collaborating and working in conjunction with local businesses. These local businesses currently provide gift cards, free haircuts, products, and discounts on their services/products. We live in such an amazing community and would love your partnership! Connect with us!
The rainbow room supplies foster families with everything needed to care for children—from toothbrushes, clothes, toiletries, diapers, formula, and school supplies. Needs are ongoing and updated regularly. You can purchase new items that will be directly donated to Grayson County Foster families as they receive children with these needs. You can find the current list of needs and the information to drop off these items, here.